Tagged: MCU

Black Widow movie poster featuring Scarlett Johansson

Black Widow

Rating B- (81/100) In Three Words Average, Superhero, Generic Brief Review I’ll remember Black Widow more for being back in a movie theater than I will for the movie itself. As for the actual...

Captain Marvel is about an amnesiac intergalactic warrior fights to save Earth from an alien war, while also uncovering her forgotten past here on Earth.

Captain Marvel

Rating B (86/100) Three words Decent, Origin, Female Brief Review An intergalactic warrior fights to save Earth from an alien war, while also uncovering her forgotten past. This movie is a classic tale of...

Scott Lang has to deal with the consequences of being a superhero in the aftermath of Captain America: CIvil War.

Ant Man and The Wasp

Rating B (85/100) Three words Silly, Light, Simple Brief Review A sequel to Ant Man that follows Scott Lang as he deals with the consequences of being a super hero. Where a lot of...

The culmination of the last 10 years of the MCU, Avengers Inifity War is an exceptional first part in the two part finale.

Avengers: Infinity War

Rating A (5/5) Three words Whoa, Consequential, Culmination Brief Review First and foremost, this movie is not really a standalone movie, so the rating assumes that you have seen most (or all) of the...

Chadwick Boseman plays the king of a highly advanced African country and a superhero called "Black Panther".

Black Panther

Rating B+ (4/5) Three words Cultural, Superhero, Different Brief Review Black Panther follows the newly crowned king of a super advanced African country as a vengeful outsider challenges his claim. As a huge fan...

After being banished by his powerful sister, Thor must fight his way back home in order to save it.

Thor: Ragnarok

Rating B+ (87/100) Three words Fun, Funny, Refreshing Brief Review The third movie in the Thor trilogy, Thor gets banished and must fight his way back in order to save his planet from his...