A- (92/100)
Three words
Wild, Unexpected, Foreign
Brief Review
A struggling low-income family takes on various jobs for a wealthy family. First thing first, Parasite is a South Korean movie so it is not in English. I dislike subtitles because I focus on reading more than the movie, but Parasite is good enough to get past that. With that being said, this movie got amazing reviews, but I didn’t think it was perfect like some others did. Don’t get me wrong, this is a really good movie, but it’s not perfect. Maybe it was just the language barrier for me, but I hesitate to say it was truly amazing. However, there’s a lot of good going for it. The movie is very funny, and also mixes the humor with a lot of tension and a really good story. I can only describe the plot as unexpected. It starts as a comedy but morphs into a thriller. Then on top of that, the story keeps you on edge. Going into this movie with less information is definitely better than more information. One of my biggest issues is that jokes are not nearly as funny when you’re reading them. I get this is my fault for not speaking Korean, but sorry, I don’t speak Korean. I still found the movie funny, but it is much harder to get true laugh out loud moments from reading. Another issue I had is that while I liked the plot overall, the first half of the movie was better than the second half. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does take this from being an amazing movie to a very good movie. Overall, this is a really good movie and I would recommend watching it, it just isn’t best movie of all time.