Crazy Rich Asians
B+ (88/100)
Three words
Extravagant, Fun, Cultural
Brief Review
A native New Yorker travels with her boyfriend to Singapore for a wedding, only to find out that her boyfriend’s family are “crazy rich”. This movie was a very pleasant surprise for me. It is definitely a fairly cultural movie, but not to the exclusion of other cultures. It is a fun movie to watch for everyone. While it still has some of the typical romantic-comedy stereotypes, much of the movie doesn’t even feel like a love story. It feels almost more like a serious comedy at times. Ultimately though, this is a love story that will definitely pull on your heartstrings. The plot is not necessarily complex, but it isn’t as obvious as a lot of romantic-comedies. Hands down the best part of this movie is definitely the setting of it. Because his family is “crazy rich”, the houses, cars, vacations and lifestyle are all over-the-top. The movie is like a tourist advertisement for Singapore. If you’re like me, you likely know nothing about Singapore. However, this movie really made me want to go visit Singapore. All in all, this love story is a fun and cultural movie that is good for some laughs and perfect for those looking to watch an upbeat movie.